

Haselbury Campus

23rd February 2024

Campus update

During National Storytelling Week, the pupils made their own movie using the animation software Stop Motion.

They got involved creating sets, characters and props to retell and animate 'The True Story of the Three Little Pigs'. 

Sanchez class were divided into groups to build a house from either straw, sticks or bricks. 

At the end of the week, the students celebrated their video animations by organising a fantastic cinematic joint class event with popcorn and drinks.


Learners have settled well into their new classes, new year groups and, for our year 7s, new school. We're all raring to go after the half term break!

Events and key dates

Important upcoming dates for your diary

Start of Mental Health Awareness Month

WOW Week - National Careers Week: Monday - Friday 

World Book Day

Are you ready for the new way of keeping in touch?

Soon, all school related communication will go through School Gateway.

Using the School Gateway app means you’ll receive letters and notifications straight away, and no more lost messages as they will all be in one place.

The app is free to download and available for both Apple and Android devices. 

For full details and instructions on how to log in, please visit the
School Gateway page on our website. 

If you have any issues or questions, please contact the office on
020 8807 2656 or email office@westleaschool.co.uk