


10th November 2023

Campus update

Extracurricular activities, such as clubs, day trips and residential stays are an essential part of school life. We carefully choose what we offer so they're inclusive, fun and rewarding

Last year, some of our Learning for Life students went on a 3 night trip to the Isle of Wight.

They developed greater independence, improved their social skills and worked together as a team. They had an amazing experience and made memories that we'll all treasure forever.

The trip was so successful that we're planning to take our Year 11 learners on an exciting adventure to Paris or Barcelona in 2024. We'll be in touch again before Christmas with details.

Why not try making your own base 10 system at home? You can use bundles of items such as straws or lollypop sticks, tied with elastic bands to make a group of 10.

Representation of 16 (one ten & six ones)

Events and key dates

Important upcoming dates for your diary

First set of Annual Reviews will be held. You will have received an email with the paperwork.

INSET day - School closed to learners.

Christmas jumper day.

Last day of Autumn term.

Are you ready for the new way of keeping in touch?

Soon, all school related communication will go through School Gateway.

Using the School Gateway app means you’ll receive letters and notifications straight away, and no more lost messages as they will all be in one place.

The app is free to download and available for both Apple and Android devices. 

For full details and instructions on how to log in, please visit the
School Gateway page on our website. 

If you have any issues or questions, please contact the office on
020 8807 2656 or email office@westleaschool.co.uk