

Meridian Campus

17 January 2025

Campus update

What's a Meridian Campus Dinner Date? 

Thank you to everyone who joined our online "Dinner Date" on Monday. We had 12 families this month. We enjoyed talking about how we use sensory circuits at school.

We'd love you to share anything you've tried at home to support your child with these. 

Our dinner dates take place on Microsoft Teams once a month. The next one is Monday 10th February 6pm - 6.30pm. You can join without your camera or microphone on. Just come and listen to people chat!

We'd like to see more families join.

In February, we'll be talking about reading . We can discuss if your child is struggling to access books or reading outside of school. 

 It's free, fun and hopefully you'll make some new friends. 

Events and key dates

Important upcoming dates for your diary

National Storytelling Week

Parent and Carer Progress Review
School closes at 12.30pm