

Haselbury Campus

24th May 2024

Campus update

Hey Pesto!

This term, learners in year 9 have been focusing on sustainability. As a part of their Life and Work topic, they have grown basil plants from seeds. In small teams, they continued to care for their plants. This involved watering the plants and making sure that they had enough sunlight.

Learners used their basil to make fresh pesto. They used the pesto to create a delicious pasta dish. It had a side of yummy bruschetta with tomato and mozzarella.

As an open-water swimmer, good water quality is close to my heart. In Science, year 9 learners have been studying oceans. A part of the topic was: the consequences of water pollution.

You might have read about the recent parasite outbreak in Devon. It required residents to boil their drinking water. It serves as a good reminder that we need to look after our natural resources.

Additionally, learners found out about the continuous movement of water on Earth. They had great fun creating their own "water cycles in a bag". Learners labelled the bags with: "evaporation", "condensation", "precipitation". They then placed the bags in the sun to see these processes in action.

Year 9 rounded off this important topic with a trip to the "Southend Sealife Zooquarium." They were able to see some of the things they've learnt in reality. Particularly, the impact that plastic pollution has on sea life.

Here, our learners explore the different ocean zones. They enjoyed meeting all the wonderful sea creatures - large and small!

We hope you have a wonderful half-term!

Learners have settled well into their new classes, new year groups and, for our year 7s, new school. We're all raring to go after the half term break!

Events and key dates

Important upcoming dates for your diary

Last day of Summer Term 1

Start of Summer Term 2 - School reopens

Whole School Transition

Are you ready for the new way of keeping in touch?

Soon, all school related communication will go through School Gateway.

Using the School Gateway app means you’ll receive letters and notifications straight away, and no more lost messages as they will all be in one place.

The app is free to download and available for both Apple and Android devices. 

For full details and instructions on how to log in, please visit the
School Gateway page on our website. 

If you have any issues or questions, please contact the office on
020 8807 2656 or email office@westleaschool.co.uk