

Meridian Campus

31 January 2025

Campus update

Cooking with Vikki from Bread and Butter! 

Today we're sharing news about our catering curriculum. Across our campus, children have a weekly cooking lesson. They learn to tolerate and explore new foods. 

We organise activities to help our children:

  • Smell, feel and taste new foods
  • Practice cutting skills by cutting and chopping foods
  • Make different foods 
  • Develop work skills linked to catering to help prepare our children for adulthood


This week we welcomed Vikki from 'Bread and Butter' who led cooking sessions with some of our families.

Everyone had a great time and one parent said "I can't believe my child ate spaghetti bolognaise. They would never eat that at home" 

The power of curriculum! Trying and learning to tolerate new foods! 

Have a great week.

Events and key dates

Important upcoming dates for your diary

Parent and Carer Progress Review
School closes at 12.30pm

Half Term – School closed to learners

Cyber SMART kids: Teaching children how to stay safe online

The SMART rules poster is a great reminder for ways to stay safe online. Click on the image to download and print your copy.

For more essential tips, advice and resources go to childnet.com